Buchanan Galleries
CLIENT: Buchanan Galleries

Buchanan Galleries is a shopping centre in Glasgow city centre. Losing out to younger and newer out-of-town shopping centres, Buchanan needed to challenge preconceptions and outsmart the competition.

Good were briefed to reposition the brand. Their strategy centred on presenting Buchanan as a fashion-based shopping destination. They created an enduring brand platform, ‘BIG on fashion’, to maximise marketing investment and appeal to a younger target audience. They then redesigned the Buchanan website, incorporating the new brand and improving the quantity and quality of the fashion content. An innovative social media campaign was also launched to reach young people, and influence brand perceptions.

And it worked. The centre’s estimated annual turnover went up 25% on the previous year, with target audience annual spend increasing by 58% for non-food items. The use of Twitter saved £9,000 over a 12-month period, and social media activity has generated the equivalent of £35,100 worth of investment in consumer PR.